The Telephone Transformation Countdown: How Businesses Can Prepare for Rich Call Data and Branded Calling

Years of industry research and collaboration are about to pay off. It’s safe to say 2024 will be the year Rich Call Data (RCD) and branded calling change how businesses and consumers communicate. Are you ready?
Businesses have long struggled trying to connect with consumers over the phone. Today, only about 10% of business calls get answered because no one knows who’s calling… but that’s about to change.
Imagine being able to brand calls with your company’s name, logo and even the reason for the call. The technology also provides authentication so consumers can trust the caller is who they say they are. With RCD right around the corner, businesses need to be ready to take advantage of this new, game-changing opportunity.
Watch the on-demand webinar to explore:
  • Enterprise survey results (presented by Omdia) from a deep dive into communications channels and challenges businesses face in reaching consumers
  • The importance of call authentication and branded calling
  • What RCD is and how it enables branded calling
  • Steps businesses need to take to prepare


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