New paradigm for the
modern SOC

Transform your Security Operations Centers with Cortex XSIAM

Available on-demand

Harness the power of machine intelligence and automation with Cortex XSIAM
Security Operations Centres (SOCs) struggle to keep pace with modern threats, the perils of an ever-increasing digital attack surface and the need to extract value from a plethora of security tools. Cybersecurity technologies continuously introduce additional capabilities to the SOC, such as the emergence of XDR, Security Analytics, and Generative AI. Meanwhile, the SOC has revolved around the SIEM for over a decade. Does this provide an opportunity to leave the legacy SIEM behind, moving beyond its limitations?
Join our fireside chat with Allie Mellen, Principal Analyst at Forrester®, to discover:
  • – Evolutionary challenges and opportunities for SOCs to evolve
  • – How to enhance security outcomes by harnessing artificial intelligence
  • – How AI and automation can supercharge detection, prevention, and response
  • – A new paradigm for the modern SOC
Prepare to be challenged, and to explore a new way to re-imagine the SOC. See how innovation disrupts the status quo, empowering humans to lead with confidence and make organizations more secure.

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