Secure Your Company with Identity-first Automation

Identity threat detection and response are essential elements of a strong security posture and effective security operations (SecOps). Consider that:
  • Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) 2022 revealed that 82% of breaches involved the human element.
  • Gartner identified “identity-first security” as one of The Top 8 Security and Risk Trends We’re Watching.
  • Okta’s State of Zero Trust Security 2022 survey indicates that 97% of organizations plan to have a ZT initiative in place by 2024.
In this guide, we’ll show how leveraging identity management — often working in tandem with the security, analytics, and operational tools you already have — can not only keep your organization safe in a dangerous and ever-evolving threat environment, but can also help you accelerate time-to-market, save time, and use resources more efficiently.

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