
Title: Call Branding Essentials: Canada’s Evolving Voice Channel
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Duration: 1 hour

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The call landscape is evolving in Canada and carriers are responding to restore consumer trust. In Hiya’s Q2 2023 Call Threat Report, it was reported that 1 in every 5 calls received in Canada is suspected to be spam or fraud, and Canadians deal with fraudulent calls at a rate five times higher than in the United States.
Poor consumer trust in the voice channel means that unidentified calls are less likely to get answered, leading to slow downs in deal and service speeds, negatively impacting revenue and customer satisfaction.

In this webinar, learn how to leverage tools and services available to Canadian businesses including:

  • ○ Branded calling
  • ○ Business registration
  • ○ Call analysis and inspection
  • ○ Best practices
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the Hiya team and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to call performance and caller ID.


Alex Salkin
Senior Product Marketing Manager

Michelle Wallace
Senior Product Marketing Manager

Brian Cantor
Principal Analyst
CCW Digital

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