Evaluator Group Lab Insight Report: Validation of Cohesity Accelerated Recovery from Ransomware

Concerned about ransomware? After a series of lab validations, Evaluator Group reveals how Cohesity FortKnox provides an additional layer of protection against ransomware and other cyber threats, minimizes downtime by enabling the rapid recovery of a clean copy of data, and eliminates complexity and costs of DIY cyber vaulting through operational simplicity and an as-a-service consumption model.

As you evaluate ransomware resiliency solutions, read Evaluator Group’s report on FortKnox’s cybersecurity capabilities.

  • Developing the right recovery strategies and goals to support SLAs
  • Identifying critical applications, data, and services such as DNS
  • Establishing requirements to secure your backup platform and data
  • Making the most of your existing security processes and controls
  • Defining a recovery environment and practicing drills and simulations to position you for recovery success

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