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Frost Radar™ names Prisma® Cloud a Leader.

A Leader Positioned the Furthest on Innovation

With the emergence of cloud-native application protection platforms, more than 30 cybersecurity companies have been fast at work creating a solution in the market.
Of course, converging cloud infrastructure security, workload protection and application security into one single, unified platform isn’t easy. An effective solution must drive positive outcomes across security, cloud builders, developers and operation teams.

We’re pleased to announce that Palo Alto Networks was named a Leader in the 2023 Frost Radar™ for Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP). Not only is Palo Alto Networks a Leader for its Prisma® Cloud solution, we’re placed the furthest for the innovation index and the only vendor named Frost & Sullivan’s CNAPP company of the year for 2023.

Read the report, and you’ll gain insights into:
  • The firm’s evaluation criteria for CNAPP solutions.
  • Factors and capabilities to consider when choosing a CNAPP partner.
  • How Palo Alto Networks and other vendors were ranked, and why we’re selected as CNAPP of the year.
If you’re researching CNAPPs, start at the top. Get the data and the proof.

Frost Radar CNAPP report

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