Established in May 2012, Money Forward, Inc., is a SaaS financial technology (fintech) company
headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. The company develops and provides personal financial management
(PFM) and SaaS for back office services. Twelve million consumers use the personal edition of Money
Forward ME, and about 200,000 paying customers use Money Forward’s corporate services*.
(*as of May 2022)
Money Forward, Inc., offers a wide variety of financial services, including personal finance management
tools for individuals and B2B solutions for businesses and financial institutions. The company’s B2C
service, also called Money Forward, is the most popular personal finance management application in
Japan and serves 12 million consumers.
Fundamentally, Money Forward’s corporate view is that money is an essential tool for living—one that
enables people to take care of themselves and their families, and helps them realize their dreams. The
company’s vision is to become a financial platform that can serve the needs of all customers.