AI Guide for Contact Centers

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for quite some time. There are no signs of it going away or slowing down any time soon. From asking Alexa “what’s the weather like today?” to Netflix’s algorithm analyzing your watch history to predict and personalize future movie recommendations, AI-enabled products and services have become second nature for most consumers. 

 Because of this proliferation into commonplace routines, consumers have unknowingly become accustomed to what AI provides—instant access to what they want, when they want it. Everyday AI use has no doubt increased consumer expectations for immediacy and personalization. 

 People have always had access to organizations via phone calls to contact centers, but now they have multiple available options. They can either connect directly with an agent, go through tailored automated recordings, or send an instant message via chatbots to name a few. Even though customers and agents are comfortable interacting regularly with this tech, there’s still confusion around AI and how it works. In this eBook, we’re going to go over the basics of AI as well as show how it’s used in contact centers to elevate customer and agent experiences. 

 CCW Digital is excited to share Upland Software’s AI Guide for Contact Centers. This guide offers a deep look at how AI can transform contact center operations, improve CX and power exceptional support in 2023 and beyond. Understanding, planning and putting strategies in place before implementing AI is critical for success and this guide acts as a comprehensive tool for leveraging AI in the contact center.

 With CCW Digital research confirming that 74% of CX leaders believe that the majority of today’s contact center tasks will be automated using AI by 2030, it is clear this technology will be essential to the future of experiences. This eBook will support leaders through tech implementation and share context on how brands can effectively leverage AI to optimize CX.

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