Gartner Security & Risk Leaders Online Fraud and Identity Proofing Guide

Fostering trust in a consumer-centric omnichannel environment requires clear strategies and robust technology. To help risk leaders understand and contextualize their challenges and provide structure to their strategy for deploying business solutions, TransUnion offers complementary access to Gartner research, Security and Risk Management Leaders’ Guide to Online Fraud Detection and Identity Proofing.
According to Gartner, “Digital and remote interactions, whether they are in a business-to-consumer (B2C) or a workforce context, present a number of risks to organizations. These fraudulent activities could be carried out by human users or by automated bots at the point of attack, and the proportions vary across organizations and use cases.”
Gartner states these risks broadly apply to three key aspects of the user journey:
  • Account opening — The use of fraudulently obtained identity data to register for services and open accounts. 
  • Account login — Accessing an account belonging to someone else for illicit gain. 
  • Account or transaction activity — This is a broad area, in which fraudulent activity could be taking place once logged into an account, or simply as a stand-alone activity, such as a guest check-out scenario in digital commerce. 
Download your copy today to learn more about the benefits of a robust approach to securing digital channels.


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